Saturday, February 8, 2014


Part of Adam's (my 7 year old grandson) homework is for us to read 15 minutes each night. I love this time together. It’s amazing to see his mind learn new words and now he is beginning to formulate what the writer is expressing through the story and the characters. The book he is currently reading is "Diary of a Wimpy Kid." It’s a negative, sarcastic account of a young boy and his brother, Roderick. After we read through 14-15 pages, I had to put it down and explain to him why we weren’t going to finish the book.

Donald Miller wrote a blog today entitled “Success = The Company You Keep.” He reminded me of the importance of the quality of friends and influences we keep around us.
He writes, “…hang out with cynics and you’ll become a cynic. Hang out with cheaters and you’ll become one, too. On the other hand, hang out with hard workers and you’ll likely pick up their work ethic. Hang out with people who are wise in relationships and you’ll soon find yourself a social ninja."

Laurie Lattimore-Volkmann echoed Miller's thoughts in a letter she wrote to Peyton Manning in the Denver Post after the Bronco's Super Bowl Loss. She nailed it! Mentors, heroes, what we see, what we read... it matters. A portion of the article is printed below.

Dear Mr. Manning,
…I actually understand — on the most basic level — what legacy truly means.

Legacy is something handed down that matters. It is something that matters to young players and athletes and kids looking for mentors to help them find their way.

You don't hand down Super Bowl trophies. You don't hand down NFL MVP titles or franchise records. And you don't hand down touchdowns, statistics or win-loss records.

You hand down an example of work ethic, of courage to come back after a career-threatening injury, of humility in victory and graciousness in defeat, and of perspective on one's own accomplishments. That legacy matters, and that's why yours is untarnished, even — and especially — after last Sunday's Super Bowl XLVIII loss.

It matters that you're professional in the way you talk to reporters.

It matters that you give credit to others — coaches, teammates, mentors.

It matters that you don't give up in a bad game and keep fighting, no matter the odds.

It matters that you take time to write notes to fans and sign autographs — even after crushing defeats.

It matters that you know the difference between being embarrassed by your team's performance and just not being the best team on the field that day.

And it matters that you meticulously prepare to play the game ... and encourage everyone around you to do the same.

…And I'm confident thousands of others agree with me. Whether you win another game, your accomplishments in football are nothing short of remarkable. But it's your character that sets you apart from so many of your predecessors and peers.

And that's a legacy that matters.

And this is why I felt good about spending $40 for my grandson Adam to wear a Denver Bronco’s uniform on Super Bowl Sunday.

If you have time, read the entire article at
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