Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Glorious Truth

I read a quote this morning from William James that said, “Truth Wins.” As we wind down our series with Parker Palmer, I couldn’t help but think about his call to live an “undivided life.” His bottom line, expressed beautifully in “Let Your Life Speak,” is simply to tell the truth. We were taught to speak the truth since we were old enough to process language. But no one taught us to tell the truth about ourselves. Few of us even know that truth. We hold to the lie that started years ago when we bought into messages urging us to be something or someone else in order to feel loved, respected or successful.

How many years have we spent trying to make life work by being someone we are not? How much money have we spent to create an image that is admired and valued among our friends and colleagues? How much have we medicated ourselves with over - functioning, alcohol, food and other people as we try to detour past our deepest fear?

My dear friends, it’s time to pull back the curtain and see the glorious truth: Bringing my whole self, just as God made me and gifted me, is the best I have to offer humanity.
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